from DeutschlandRadio (Deutschlandfunk Kultur)
Simultaneous is a sound work exploring many facets of the concepts of simultaneity and synchronicity. The piece is composed of speech fragments taken from recorded interviews and woven together with my own vocalizations and some found sounds. It was developed, in large part, during my fellowship at the American Academy in Rome. This version is a purely sonic iteration of a larger set of works that also includes a multi-channel sound installation (American Academy in Rome, Spring 2020) and, ultimately, an intermedia performance work (MoMA, New York, 2023). — Pamela Z

Coming soon.
Further Listening
Sonora Spolia is video documentation of a site-specific, 21-channel sound installation in the cryptoporticus of the American Academy in Rome in Spring of 2020. The sound was a work-in-progress version of Simultaneous.
Composer/Sound Designer: Pamela Z
Recording, Editing, Sound Mixing: Pamela Z
Recording Location: American Academy in Rome, and Pamela Z’s Studio in San Francisco
Produced, commissioned, presented by Marcus Gammel/DeutschlandRadio (Deutschlandfunk Kultur) Berlin
Sampled voices included in Simultaneous:
Azza Abo Rebieh, Zeno Baldi, Samiya Bashir, Fiori Berhane , Alessandro Bosetti, Garrett Bradley, Matthew Brennan, Courtney Bryan, Angelo Matteo Caglioti, Bruna Cammarano, James Casebere, Sonya Clark, Brian Davis, Dan Diffendale, Carol Flake Chapman, Fiona Digny, Christine Gorby, Ashley Hahn, Elizabeth Heintges, John Jesurun, Alana Mailes, Nelsy Massoud, Brian McPhee, Eugenia Morpurgo, Vicky Moses, Matthew Naglak, Federica Nicolardi, Joel Pattison, Antoine Picon, William Schutt, Nicole Sealy, Jeremy Simmons, Gabriel Soare, Kate Thomas, Christopher van den Berg, Alexis Wang, Adam Weinberg, Fred Wilson, Parrish Wright, Michael Young, Paul David Young, & Pamela Z
Hear theses credits pronounced, below.